Legal Information


Use Of Online Cookies
To make it easier for you to use our site and make it more enjoyable, we use "cookies". Cookies are small data units that allow us to compare new and previous visitors, understand how our site is used and to provide us with data that can make future visits more enjoyable and efficient. Cookies do not record any personal information about the user and do not store information that could identify you.

For more information on cookies and their impact on you and your web browsing, visit

Types of Cookies
Mandatory Cookies
These cookies are necessary to navigate the website. Without these cookies, it is not possible to provide services such as a contact form, etc.

Performance Cookies
These cookies collect information about how the website is used and whether an error message appears on web pages. These cookies do not collect information that could identify the user. All collected information is aggregated and therefore anonymous. These cookies are only used to improve the performance of the website.
By using our website, you agree to install this type of cookie on your device.

Functional Cookies
These cookies allow the site to remember your chosen options and offer you enhanced, more personalised options. These cookies can also be remembered for changes in the size of letters and fonts and other parts of the site that you can customise. They are also useful for providing the services you requested, such as watching a video or commenting on a blog. The information collected by these cookies is anonymous and does not follow your browsing on other websites.
By using our website, you agree to install this type of cookie on your device.

What cookies does our site use?
Needed Cookies
Cookies that help us to properly display content and enable forms, carts and other essential elements of the website to work.
These cookies are active only during the session.


Protecting Personal Information
This Privacy Policy discloses the privacy practices for
This Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected by this website.

Information Collection, Use and Sharing
We are the sole owners of the information collected on this website. We only have access to information that you voluntarily give us via email or other direct contact from you. We will not sell or rent this information to anyone.
We will use your information to respond to you, regarding the reason you contacted us. We will not share your information with any third party outside of our business, other than as necessary to fulfill your request.

We take precautions to protect your information. When you submit sensitive information via the website, your information is protected both online and offline.
Wherever we collect sensitive information (such as credit card data), that information is encrypted and transmitted to us in a secure way. You can verify this by looking for a closed lock icon on your web browser, or looking for "https" at the beginning of the address of the webpage.

Our Privacy Policy may change from time to time and all updates will be posted on this page.


Frequently Asked Questions Terms & Conditions, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Parking Information.

Terms & Conditions
Booking Confirmation
All bookings are confirmed at the time of booking. For general bookings less than six months in advance we do not require a Booking Deposit. For general bookings more than six months in advance, communions and confirmations we reserve the right to ask for a Booking Deposit. Your booking will only be confirmed once the Booking Deposit has been received. The Booking Deposit is €49 and can be paid via PayPal using the Booking Deposit link at the top of this page.

We accept cash or cheque on the day of your booking for the agreed amount. We also accept card payments, debit cards, credit cards, mobile payments, Apple Pay and Google Pay. There is an additional 2.75% Transaction Fee for use of this service. We can also accept payment in full via PayPal however there is an additional 3.4% PayPal Fee for use of this service. Payment can also be made in full via Bank Transfer. Funds must be deposited and cleared a minimum of seven days before your scheduled booking date. Receipts are issued on the day of your booking for all payment methods.

Cancellation Policy
We offer Free Cancellation for peace of mind. All we ask is that you notify us as soon as possible of your cancellation. If a Booking Deposit has been made you will be issued with a full refund within 24 hours of cancellation.

In the event of traffic or other circumstances beyond our control preventing us from being able to fulfil your booking our liability shall be limited to a refund of any payment made in relation to the contracted event. A pro rata reduction in the GameVan hire fee will be paid in the event of a delayed start only if you fail to receive the full time you paid for. No further compensation will be paid irrespective of any loss of earnings. Depending on the situation we will also offer to exchange the booking to another date.

Unforeseen Circumstances
In circumstances such as serious illness, severe weather or any other circumstance which would subject us to danger we reserve the right to cancel, alter or delay your booking. We will inform you of any such issue as soon as possible and offer alternative arrangements.

Safety of Participants
We reserve the right to send away any person who in their judgement is found to be unmanageable or a danger to the safety or enjoyment of others. In this event no refund will be given to said individual(s) nor to the party in cases where this leads to a cancellation of the booking. For the comfort, health and safety of all concerned, there will be no smoking during any of the activities. We will accept no liability for problems arising from failure to accept and/or respond to the authority and instructions of the appointed Game Coach.

Age Appropriate Gaming
It is the client's responsibility to ensure that parental consent is obtained from all parents/guardians of party guests to play age related games.

Food and Drinks
No food or drinks are allowed to be brought on or consumed within the GameVan.

Media Rights
We will never take photos or videos at any private bookings. We reserve the right to take photos and videos at public showcase events for advertising and marketing purposes. If this is unacceptable please notify us beforehand. Any material published that you are unhappy with will be removed upon request. Safeguarding of children is of paramount importance to all of us.

In the event of any damages caused by participants to vehicles or our equipment, except by fair wear and tear, the client will be charged the full replacement cost. Any damages must be reported immediately. Under no circumstances can we be held responsible for any damage to driveway or grounds that is considered to be caused by our vehicle, crew or party goers. It is the event organiser's responsibility to ensure the grounds are suitable to support our GameVan and where unsure to seek advice from a qualified person.

Event Information
All information given in any literature produced by or on behalf of is given in good faith and is intended as a guide to services available and may be altered without notice to suit differing seasonal or other conditions. All information is correct at time of going to press.

Complaints Procedure
If you have a complaint during your booking please make it directly to our Game Coach, who will do their utmost to resolve the matter immediately. In the event of you not being satisfied with their response please make your complaint in writing to within 14 days of your booking date. Your feedback is important to us and will be treated as such.

Insurance is covered by all relevant insurances.

Business Details
Registered Business Name: Game Van
Registered Business Number: 595805
Registered Business Address: 64 Broadfield Hall, Belgard Square West, Dublin 24, D24 CR74

Frequently Asked Questions
How much space will I need for a Game Party?
Our GameVan will take up two standard car parking spaces and will generally fit on a standard driveway.

How far in advance do I need to book?
There are no time limits, but best to book as early as possible to get the date and time slot that you prefer. That's not to say we don't take last minute bookings, just call us for availability.

Do adults have to be present at the children's party?
It's not mandatory that an adult remain at the GameVan as our Game Coach will be on hand to assist the party goers, however we do ask that an adult is present at the venue throughout the course of the party.

Do you drive around?
No, whilst a party is being held the GameVan is completely stationary and parked up.

I have a question not listed above?
Please call us directly on 085 186 6600

Parking Information
Parking Requirements
It is the responsibility of the persons booking the GameVan to ensure it has a safe place to park that meets the requirements below:
A parking space of approximately two car spaces in length.
A clearing at the rear of the GameVan for passengers to board safely.
Access to a nearby standard plug socket unless you are hiring a generator.
Space to access the location without causing damage to the GameVan or its surroundings.

Cannot be parked on yellow lines.
Cannot be blocking any footpaths or access to footpaths.
Cannot be parked where it is at risk of being issued with a penalty.
Cannot be parked on a main road where passengers could be at risk.
Cannot be parked on a junction or anywhere where it could prove an obstruction to other traffic.
If any fees are to be paid for parking this must be covered by the persons booking the GameVan.
Any extension lead used must not cause a hazard to passing road users or members of the public.